Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sometimes I'd rather a Merry Go Round.....

The ups and downs of pregnancy are never without the emotional roller coaster that goes with them.

And as exciting as the ups can be, the downs can be just as devastating.

On monday, I got a call from my midwife informing me that I had failed my 1 hour gestational diabetes test that I had taken the week prior. And not just with a slightly elevated number, but considerably higher.

She also informed me, in the same phone call, that I am no longer borderline anemic, but now, anemic.

Man, did it hit me hard. I was really upset, and was not prepared for this kind of news. Especially, the GD test. I am not a huge sugar eater, well, I guess that is if you don't count all the bread. :)

After I got off the phone with her, I had myself a little pity party and just cried and cried. Definitely the hormones. Eric asked me if he should come home, and I said no.

So, I immediately got on the phone and made the appointment for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test the following morning. This test would consist of a fast overnight, and then I would go in at 7:45 for my FIRST blood draw. Then I had to drink that god awful 100 grams of glucose drink. Yuk! Then I would have another blood draw at 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours.

That's right! 4 stinkin' needle pricks within 3 hours.

After the phone call, I went and took a nap, and tried to clear my head of all the worries and doubt. Unfortunately, when Eric got home that night, I was still in a really sour mood.
I was just SO sad. I can't explain.

Anyways, I took the test yesterday morning. It completely sucked, but I did it.
I did not let myself get my hopes up either, because I didn't want another major letdown.

Today (earlier than I had ever hoped), I found out that I passed with flying colors!!!!
All four markers!!
I was so elated, and beyond relieved. I also made sure to not be active during the test since it is a resting test. I didn't want to help my results by burning energy. I wanted a true result, and I am glad I did that. :)

Now, I just have to go on an iron supplement for the anemia, and I will be tested again in several weeks. Shockingly, I have not been fatigued lately. I have felt really good, so, this was a bit of a surprise, too. Either way, I feel it is much easier to manage and improve than having GD.

As for everything else....

I am 29 weeks. I have a giant, round tummy.
We spent Thanksgiving In Jacksonville with a couple of short trips to St. Augustine. We had a really great time, and got lots of rest. Also, lots of delicious food thanks to Eric's mom.
Our dining room table is being delivered on friday- so stoked!!!!
The weather is beautiful, and I am feeling pretty good.

This is what Ryden thinks my belly is good for.........

belly pillow

That is all,


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun at School!

Today was family fun day at Ryden's school, Maitland Farm Preschool. It was only for a couple of hours, and a really nice, little event. My mom had already planned to go with us. Eric was also planning on going, but had to go to work this morning, and was gonna take a break and head over.
But when this morning came around, it looked like it was gonna rain, did in some areas (like his school). I didn't think it was worth it for Eric to drive 30 minutes from work to hang for a little while, and then have to drive back. Especially, since we didn't know if it was going to get rained out.

I mean, c'mon, it is Florida!

But, as luck would have it, it only rained for the first 5 minutes we were there, and then turned into quite a beautiful day.
Definitely a good time.

So, I took a few pics of little man doing his thing. :)

playing with the ever so wonderful bubbles..........


looks like someone is busted doing the opposite of sharing :)




Running through the tunnel


the baby chicks....



the cow


eating a snow cone



with grandma...




eating a cookie


he kept holding it up, saying, "YAY!"




kissing grandma.... :)


and playing in the dump truck


There are a few more, so, here is a slidshow to them.

Click for slideshow!!!

Anyhoo, Eric will be home later, and we are meeting family at the fair tonight. I hope Eric has the energy to go on some rides with Ryden, cause my ass sure as heck isn't! :)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1 + 1 = AWESOME!

You know how it is always funny when you see those morphed, photo-shopped images of a baby that was made with the photos of two people. They are always half hazardly constructed with the top portion of one person and the bottom of another.
Or maybe even the eyes and mouth of one person pasted on to the face of another.

Looking at them always makes you feel uneasy and something just seems off... quite unsettling.

Well, in the case of Ryden, he is about the most perfect morph of Eric and I that I could have ever imagined. Of course, it's hard to see me in him since he has Eric's amazingly, exaggerated, big, brown eyes. Not to mention, Eric's face shape, cheeks and sweet, little nose.

He does have my philtrum or Cubid's bow (the area between the mouth and nose). I uses to think he had my mouth, but I think Eric might have won that one, too.

But where I really come in is ALL personality. All of his expressions, and especially his over-animation of expression is me.

We finally got his first school pics, and the proof is in the pudding. It's like looking at a little Eric with the personality of me.


I mean, c'mon... could he be ANY happier! He is so happy that he is gripping that bunny like and a madman and has his other hand tightly clinched in a fist. He looks like he is going to explode with excitement.
And you might not be able to, but I can hear him saying 'cheese' in this pic.
(*side note) I am so right about this. Ryden just walked into the room, saw his pic on the screen and said three things. "Superman shirt" "I hold a bunny" and lastly, "CHEESE" haha... I knew it.

I'm sure there will be future photos just as great, but there could never have been a first to top this one!
I'm sure of that.

Have I mentioned Ryden had turned into quite the tiny dancer lately. It took him forever to start, but now that he has, it is SO funny!!

Maybe it's not and it's just cause I'm his mom that I think so.....

Seeing how Ryden has turned out, I can't wait to see how this next little boy shares our genes.

And speaking of the little boy on the way, my sister told me that she is throwing me a little, surprise, get-together with some of my friends when I am in St. Augustine next week.
No fussiness, no presents, just a couple of hours to celebrate this little guy coming into the world.
 I'll know more details in a couple of days and I think Cindy is gonna make an event for it on Facebook. I'll pass the word along.
Also, even the little ones are invited. :)

Cheers to Baby Brother!!!!!!

Obviously, not a surprise anymore, my sister told me yesterday. I actually teared up when she told me. Such a nice surprise.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Choices We Make....

Everything is moving along here..... just fine, I might add. :)

Here I am at almost 27 weeks. We were on our way to the Chili Cook-off. We also used the stroller for the first time, minus second seat, and it was awesome!

The baby is should be somewhere around or over 2 lbs. right now. I love that. And the last thing I read, on the internet, compared him to some type of roast (usually, they use a fruit or veggie comparison). I found that funny.

Everything here is great. I am, actually, 27 weeks this week. Somehow, last week, I got ahead of myself. Wishful thinking, I guess.
I'm super excited about Thanksgiving coming up, and going to visit family. Ryden is really looking forward to it, as well.

I think I am going to make a gift registry. I know some of you family want to get some things for lil' baby man, so, I figured why not.
Since we aren't having a baby shower (not needed), I hadn't thought about making one. 

This weekend, we FINALLY bought a dining room table. I have been looking at tables for almost a year, and finally made a decision. We are super stoked, and I can't wait to entertain, for the first time, with it.

Here is our baby, and it also has two 15" extensions that go on the ends, so, it becomes GIANT. I hope it lasts for generations (more wishful thinking, again). :) 

It will be a great Christmas. And speaking of Christmas, Ryden is also getting beyond jazzed about it!! He has picked out some presents for his family to tell Santa about (yes, I have no problem propagating the whole Santa Claus thing).

He also told Eric and I yesterday that he wants a spaceship!

I think that was one of the best things I ever heard him say.

Now, for a little insight into our upcoming birthing plans.

What's that... what hospital are we delivering at? Wellll......................

I know most of you know that we had Ryden in a birthing center with a nurse midwife. Considering that my pregnancy was low risk (no twins, baby not breech, no placenta previa, no signs of pre-e or GD or anything else that would possibly put me into the higher risk category) and also having a very standard labor, everything really went as planned.
At least, as much as you can plan labor and birth. ;)

With everything remaining low risk, Eric and I felt very confident in our decision, and think it was the best one for us and Ryden.

One of the reasons we chose a birth center (stand alone, not connected to a hospital) was because this was all new to us, and it felt like the safest middle ground. Funny though, it offers nothing more, in terms of safety, than a home birth. Just maybe a little bit of easier clean up. It just seemed easier to process, is all.

After having Ryden, I do not have a single regret with the choice we made.

There are several things I can list that made all the difference in the world. I know most of these things can happen in the hospital setting, but it does depend on your hospital's policies and your doctor's comfort. There was nothing I wanted that I had to fight for.
  1. Receiving a healthy baby and having minimal interventions.
  2. Being able to hold my son immediately and uninterrupted for the first hour.
  3. Being able to start labor on my own, even though my water broke first, and it was beyond 12 hours before I went into active labor.
  4. Being able to constantly move during labor and having a tub to labor in and even birth in had I chose to.
  5. Not having Ryden taken from me to have tests done until after we had nursed and he was a little more familiarized with his world.
  6. Being able to do delayed cord clamping.
  7. Not being offered drugs (which, admittedly, would have been very tempting at times)
  8. Not being exposed to an abundance of germs or super bugs.
  9. Having pre-natal appointments that lasted upwards of 30 minutes and were never rushed.
  10. Having a third stage that was minimally managed and not rushed.
  11. Being able to drink and eat (though, I didn't eat) throughout labor.
  12. Not having to worry about good intentioned nurses offering my son formula, sugar water, pacifiers or anything of the like without my knowing.
I could go on about benefits that I feel are part of our decision process, but you get the picture.

I do want to say, that I am not at all opposed to birthing in the hospital. I think we all have different wants, and that is why it is wonderful that there are so many choices for us.
However, from doing loads of research, this pregnancy and last, I do not feel that there is any conclusive evidence that proves a hospital to be safer for baby or mama, who is low risk and is being attended by a competent midwife.
Keys being low-risk and competent midwife.

Most very serious complications are few and far between and can be managed by a midwife until mom or baby is transferred to the hospital.
There are only a couple of things that are so extreme and unknown until labor or delivery that they can only be handled at a hospital. Things like uterine rupture, severe PPH requiring transfusions, heart issues for mom or baby, cord prolapse and a couple others. These are all extremely rare and are difficult no matter the setting.

However, there are lots of complications that can be caused by interventions typically done in a hospital setting. Things like overuse of pitocin, AROM, too many dilation checks (germs), actively managing third stage too aggressively, sections on a baby who is too young and so on.

These are the risk/benefits I weigh with every decision.

I guess some of you, other than most of our family, may be wondering why I am making this case.
That is because with this birth, Eric and I have opted for a homebirth with a wonderful CNM (certified nurse midwife).
Not to mention, we are about 7-10 minutes from our local hospital. And that is a straight drive.
And speaking of hospitals, I hope to not have to use ours. It does not even have a NICU, there is no OB/GYN or anesthesiologist on staff overnight. Therefore, even if I did have to transfer for an emergency, in those hours, they would be calling the docs in anyways. If we need a NICU, we would have to transfer to another hospital for that, too.
If I were planning a hospital birth, I would probably use another hospital, even with that meaning we would have to drive to a nearby city.

I prefaced with so much, because unless someone has researched the subject, just hearing the word homebirth sets in panic and takes people back to the 1800's.
Which is not the case, thank goodness!!

There is a lot of research I could cite. Most of it showing benefits and dangers on both sides.
I recently read this blog entry from a Doctor in California who attended the recent homebirth summit, and I really think he summed up things nicely and really showed both sides of the coin. I am on the same page as him.

I am confident in our decision, and hope that everything stays low risk, and we are able to go forward with this.
I understand there are risks with a homebirth just as there are risks with a hospital birth. We are opting for the less frequent, though very real risks at home, and in the case of an emergency will transfer to our hospital. And I have absolutely no problem with transferring. I feel safer with the rare risks of birthing at home than dealing with the more common and often risks that happen at a hospital.

Any questions... feel free to ask.

Now that I got that out of the way, hope everyone has wonderful holidays next week!!!!!!

Michele & the gang

Monday, November 7, 2011

Less Words... More Pretty

Since I have been updating more often, there isn't as much catch up to do when I come on here.
So, I thought, why not fill space with more images and less words.

There are a few things to mention. Ryden's Mi Mi and Pop Pop (Eric's parents) came down for a visit this weekend. It was really nice to have them, and Ryden was super happy to see them.

I feel great. 27 weeks and more than enough of a belly to prove it. :)
Little buggerboo has been so active. And I am happy to start feeling kicks and jabs in the upper part of my uterus. I do believe he is starting to hang out upside down a lot more now. I hope he, eventually, stays that way. 
Next week, I have my 28 week appt. and that will mark the beginning of my third trimester. So much happiness.

And one more thing. Holy toddler "NO" phase. Ryden has really found the power of this word, and is trying to use it to it's fullest. And he is so definitive about it that 'No' is always followed by the person of interest's name. "no mommy!" is an absolute favorite.
And how any of you potty train during this time is beyond me. I would absolutely loose my noodles. In comparison to 18 months when my little man was still so eager to please, I can't even imagine how much harder it would have been now. Holy NO!

Still trying to figure out how to place the photos. A little trial and error... bear with me. :)

how about a little IronMan for starters.......


Ryden has found a new love for my old Winnie the Pooh in the box. It was love at first, then total fear and now, absolute love again.


Today, I took Ryden for a ride in his little red car. I never really got him outside yesterday. So, I am making sure today is better. :)

this next one is just pure joy!!


Now, a few of Ryden and I playing "self portrait".........


he was so helpful

this one melts me. Touching baby brother and looking at me... xoxox

I got a simple, new sling the other day. Only had to pay for shipping and handling. 
Ryden was kind enough to try it out for me........

and just to round everything out.

sweet ilsa


Eric and his other love........

and to finish with little man at his purest.

