Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or No Treat......

I could not be luckier to have committed a major Halloween FAIL with a child who has no idea. We had planned to take him to the local botanical garden for a fantastic, Halloween extravaganza. A place with so much going on that it would be ever so easy to avoid the candy.

Yes, avoid the candy. That's what I said. I know it's Halloween, and I know that CANDY is the best part.... but it can wait another year in Ryden's world.
I might sound kind of lame, but Ryden doesn't know any better and that is the best part.

As long as Ryden can stand in the check out line at the grocery store, eye level to all the candy, and want to do nothing more than shake the candy because of the neat sounds it makes..... then all is fine by me.

And speaking of candy, how the heck do you people deal with sugar crazed children? Tonight, we let Ryden eat almost an entire ginger bread cookie. At first, no big deal.


we get home, and all hell breaks loose. He was insane. I have never seen him like that, and neither has Eric. It was truly like he was drunk.
On what, not quite sure?
After his bath, we put him to bed, and nothing. Yep, from the moment I turned on the monitor, I saw and heard absolutely nothing. Amazing crash!

But back to the Halloween event.

It was closed. Major Buzz Kill!!

Apparently due to all the rain. Seriously stunk!
So, we almost caved and took him trick or treating, which would have ruined the bubble I live in, but where we  drove to, there were no children around, and not many lights on. So, we took him to the cookie store, and as far as he knows, he had a fantastic time trick or treating. :)

Ryden dressed up as Batman, and he was so stoked.
Not that you can tell below.

He was just too cute.
Can you tell I rigged his costume? Maybe a little silly, but I didn't like the big, yucky material costumes at the store. Plus, they were long sleeved, and I knew it would be kind of stuffy around here. :)
I think it's cute.

As for me, and this sweet little boy in my belly, all is well. I am 25 weeks and things are pretty much... pregnant as usual.
At my next appointment, I will be in my third trimester..... INSANE!!!!

Looking forward to all the holidays that are coming our way.

I think we are going to have a photographer for the birth. Not to catch all the gory details, but to document all the sweet and intimate details that happen before, during and after all the action.
All the stuff that we didn't get on film when I had Ryden.
Something I am really excited about. :)

Anyhoo, that is all for now.......


Monday, October 17, 2011

The Running Theme........!!

Sorry if it gets old to hear, but I am freakin' huge! It is now the running theme in my life.

I have hit 23 weeks,

and for the love of god,

there is a baby in me. And it is clear as day!

Like I mentioned in previous posts, I have resorted to looking at pics from my past pregnancy, for some type of hand holding, to reassure myself that I am not that much bigger than last time. And each time I do this, I am only comforted for a minute.

Not sure why my head is screwing with me so much. I really miss the days of seeing even the slightest of growth in my little, baby compartment with such pride.

Rant over.

Click on linky below if you want to see me 23 weeks pregnant with Ryden...........
old blog entry :)

As for everything else, all is truly well. I feel good, other than endless nights of tossing and turning, not being able to fall asleep, staying up until midnight even though I am exhausted and never seeming to be able to get comfortable.

I sound so stoked, don't I. :)
Honestly though, I am. Even despite my minimal complaints at night.
Oh yeah, did I mention the restless legs?

SO, I bought my first item from Craigslist, ever, yesterday. I got a glider chair with an ottoman. It also reclines which is really nice. I never had one with Ryden, and as he grew, I did many laps through my house trying to settle him to sleep. I'm hoping this will cut down on, at least, one of those marathons a day. Also, It will make for a nice place to sit in our bedroom, so, I am not having to constantly be propped up in bed like before.

We have decided to not even attempt to make a nursery this time. Down the line, yes. But for now, no need. We will have the baby in our room, and just add a dresser of sorts, the glider (chair), a co-sleeper and anything else we see fit. As this little guy gets bigger, we will switch out Ryden's old crib for the co-sleeper and continue.
This seems to make the most sense, since Ryden really didn't go to his room until he was around 7 months.

As for Ryden, he is growing leaps and bounds lately. He is truly becoming such a funny and smart little boy. And I am really enjoying this age. He only tests limits for a couple of days, and that is it. He is very respectful and listens to directions quite well. I'm not getting the terrible twos thing at all. Maybe I will post from a completely different tone next week. They really are ever changing. For now, good. :)

He has quite a few talents that really have me impressed, lately.

He can eat a cup of applesauce, with a normal spoon, without spilling a drop.
He uses the word "too" quite often and always in appropriate situations.
We are no longer using sippy cups of any sort, and he never even noticed the change.
He says he misses people which is beyond adorable and ever so tender. Especially, Allen and Sid. He misses them at least a couple of times a week. :)
He has been in underwear overnight, for about a month now, with only one accident.
He has a vocabulary and memory that could challenge even the brightest of most adults. Well, not really, but they are very extensive.
He uses the word "I" in reference to himself instead of me. You now, the caveman talk that kids do. Sometimes still third person, RyRy. :)
And best of all, he has started to laugh like no one's business. It is so funny, and like sweet little music to this mama's ears.

Did I mention that I love him.

He also had his first real cupcake yesterday, and fell in love. He is normally a pretty tidy eater, and likes to always have a napkin nearby to wipe his hands. Well, the icing caused mad confusion, because licking fingers tasted so much better, but almost didn't make sense. Quite the conundrum!

What's a boy to do?

One thing of course.......
He decided that he loved the cupcake so much, that he would show his undying affection by eating it in it's entirety!!

Ryden had school pics taken at pre-school last week, and I CANNOT wait to see them!!