We have been in Florida now for almost 4 months. And I feel like Ryden has grown a whole year or something. It's amazing, still, that one week or even one DAY can make such a difference in his development. It's also nice that Eric gets to see him not only in the mornings, but at night time now, too!! :)
Ryden will be 18 months on the 25th, and I assure you, he is quite the handful. He is clever, active, sneaky, adorable, sweet and everything else you could ask for in an 18 month old. Reminds me of Ilsa a couple of years ago... haha!!!
Here are 10 things that are going on the world of Ryden......
1. He is at least 27 lbs. and probably pushing a little more
2. Can't remember how tall he was at his last appt. but he is tall!!
3. He still has a good relationship with food- eats pretty healthy for a toddler
- I am happy to say, he StiLL has not met candy, soda, copious amounts of junk food, processed foods or even a JUICE BOX (other than the sips he has stolen from cousins:)) He also has never had a jar of food or been supplemented with any type of formula. Not that those last two are entirely bad, but they weren't the right choice for us. It has been hard work maintaining this, especially when I was back at work, so, it is something I am proud of.
4. He has a pretty wide vocabulary, though he has only put several words together.
5. He and I found a fascination of playing with letters, and at this point, he can identify about half of them. :)
6. He has just started to climb into chairs and loves to sit like a big boy
7. Progress on the potty is back and forth. He often tells me when he pees (just usually after) and has one time told me before he has pooped!!!
8. and now I am working on sleeping through the night, because for the past several weeks, Ryden has been!!! This is a big YAY after many many months of getting up several times a night. A true blessing.
9. He loves all of his family (outside of mama and dada) and this is an awesome thing to watch. He even recognizes his cousin Allen in pictures and says his name.
10. And Ryden still nurses 3 times a day. When he wakes up, before his nap and before bed. This might surprise some of you, unless you know me well enough, but that is why I love my blog- because I don't care what someone my think. I was hoping to get past all of his teeth coming in (help with the pain) and making it to 2 or close to that. That's not too far away, and this makes me both really happy and a little sad. and anyone wondering if nursing is still even necessary.... here ya go
* I only mention all of this, because I never knew this before I got pregnant, and now that I do, I feel it is important to spread this info for other moms and soon-to-be moms to know.
ans lastly, lately I have been looking at pics of Ryden as a little baby. It is just heartbreaking!! I absolutely love the little man that he is today, but I already miss the sweet little baby he use to be. :(

and even though I love it here and am so happy to be back, I do miss our life in California.
With love- from the East Coast,
You are so good. I don't think I have a blog anymore :( I'm proud of you too :)