Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 6 and a sick little bunny..........

...... but no misses!!!!
Yep, that's right!! Though, I don't think he peed as much as usual being sick. That might have helped.
I also won against the elusive poo. :) It took some coaxing to get Ryden to let go of it on the potty, bu the did. He said his 'no no no' a couple of times. It made me wonder if he thought poo = no. So, I had to let him know that it is ok on the potty, just no in his underwear.

Definitely a quickie update. We went on one errand to the store, and I took him to the potty there.
He also stopped peeing every time I put him on the potty, which I think is good. Just when he really needs to. :)

have a good night all-



  1. Is he using the big potty when you guys are out?

  2. yes! I hold him over it (like on of the EC positions). I think he loves it. I was never taking him in the bathrooms before, and I think he loves the echo and all the other stuff.

    My friend Summer posted a link on one of my facebook updates about a little potty seat thing she takes with her on outings.

    So far, we are ok. :)
