1 miss.... and no, I'm not kidding. You read that right, we had 1 miss today, and I can't tell you how delighted that makes me.
Ryden woke up with his typical soiled diaper, plus a little added bonus... eww. We changed him and went about our morning. Everything went great, until somewhere around 11am when he had his first and only miss.
The highlight of this miss, was me walking into the living room hearing Ryden saying, "bye bye" while he was looking sown at his feet. Back story- for the past couple of months, as we flush his potties down the toilet, I would say, Bye bye to them, which he began to chime in with. I also always let him do the flushing, so, that he could be involved. Well, since he was only wearing pants, and no diaper, I knew why he was looking at he floor. :)
It honestly cracked me up!!
We continued on with our day. After his nap, I got him dressed, and put on his first diaper for the day. We were heading out for lunch. We had to run to the grocery store after lunch, so, I took him to the restroom there before we left. Well, low and behold, I held him over the potty and he peed!!! This is the first time he has peed in a public restroom since he was a wee little baby. I was so happy!!
We came home after the grocery store and he was dry. He then peed on the potty. My next highlight of the day happened a little bit later.
We now have two potties. The original one I bought about a year ago, and that has been our only potty. Just last week, I had Eric pick up one of those little toilet seats that sit on the regular one. Well, since we got the new one for the bathroom, I decided to bring his old one out into the family room. This would allow him to have more options, and have one nearby. Well, I heard something at one point, while I was cooking, and looked to see him sitting on the potty. I came to him and stood him up, pulled down his pants (since he can't do this and was sitting with them on :)) and helped him back on. I went back to cooking, and heard him doing something else. I went to check, and he was nowhere to be found. I heard something coming from the bathroom. When I walked in, I saw him dumping the pee from his little potty into the toilet. EXACTLY how I normally have done it. I truly started cracking up. I mean, come on, are you really that hilarious and on board with all of this? I guess so. And to top it off, he had only spilled a couple of drops on the toilet seat.
He is a boy... men can't even spare a couple of drops from the seat. haha!!
There was also another highlight of the day, when I heard him say, "pee" in the living room. Helped him onto the potty... and ta da- he peed!!
We went on another outing to the beach, and later on went by my mom's house to drop off some soup. He stayed dry both of those times.
I still don't know where this is leading us, but I think I need to by some cloth trainers for outings and little boy undies for home. He can't free ball it all the time, right? :)
I don't know why I am writing about this every day, but if things end as positive as I hope they will, maybe this will help someone else when they are going through it.
I am always proud of my little man, but he has really surprised me lately. I think children are capable of a lot of things, and luckily, being a stay at home mom, I can devote the time to this. I don't think you have to wait until they are "ready". I think that is something a few psychologist came up with in the 70's and the diposable diaper companies ran with it. I feel that in our case, using cloth diapers have been a wonderful incentive to start when they "get it". No matter how young.
Just like training a puppy, they don't get it overnight. But you don't give up and put a diaper on them. I think it took 4-5 months to successfully train Ilsa. I guess she was a bit stubborn, but she came around. :)
I know I will have a set-back post eventually, but for now.... I have nothing but pure bliss to write about!!!!!!
one happy mama and one dry baby :)
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