Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 2 and still walking forward.... :)

3 slip ups on the floor first thing this morning, and the rest was history!! :)

Well, not history, but that was it in the miss department. Today was the second day, in a row, that Ryden used the potty for pooping (this one has been tuff since he started walking). I even made sure he had a lot to drink to keep him nice and hydrated and full of pee. He woke up from his nap, dry, as he usually does.
We also went on one outing, this evening, in which I was just sure that he would have an accident. Nope! Right when we got home, we went straight to the bathroom, and he peed immediately when he sat on the potty. I was so proud of him.

We are still only working off of timing and prompting, and maybe a pinch of holding it. The day that he continuously informs me of his urges to go, I will be through the moon. Not planning on it happening anytime soon, but a girl can dream. I also thought that we wouldn't go the entire day without a miss after his misses this morning. I guess I wasn't aware of how full he is so early on.

I was never sure when he would be ready, or when I would really start to tackle this full on. Apparently, now is the time. I am hopeful that this will happen smoothly and maybe even quickly, but I won't hold my breath. At this rate, I am shooting for undies by 2 years old.

And any of you that have already potty trained your kids, when did they go from being prompted to telling you they needed to go?


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