I learned a very important life lesson last night.
When you are 39+ weeks pregnant, and pushing 170 lbs..... do not, I repeat, DO NOT insist on sitting in chairs made for children. It will only disappoint you in the end, in more ways than one.
Last night, as I bathed Ryden, I sat in the chair we always sit in to do so. It's one of his little chairs, and is just the right height for the bath tub.
As I got him out of the tub, much to my shock an horror, the chair buckled under me, and I fell pretty hard and hit my head on the wall behind me.
Well, actually the wooden casing around the window behind me.
I think with all the hormones, and the shock of falling (luckily really low to the ground), I started to bawl like crazy.
At first, Ryden thought I was laughing and attempted to laugh with me.
He then realized I was crying and wanted to give me hugs and kisses.
So, here I am trying to pick my fat ass up off the floor, and at the same time, I put my hand to the back of my head only to find my fingers have blood on them. :(
This, of course, made me cry more.
All while trying to get out of the grips of my hugging son.
Such a precious little sweetie. Man, do I love him.
And sadly, this is probably the only time I have not been composed in front of him.
I called Eric right away and asked him to come home. He, of course, flew out of work.
I was really upset, but told him I was fine. I just wanted him to come check me over.
I sat on the couch and iced it, while continuing to whimper, until he got home.
When he got home, he started to check it.
Confirmed that, yes, there was a gash. Pretty long, but so far looked ok.
Although, once he got to the top of it, he stopped and said that I have to go to the doctor and get stitched.
Great, I thought.
Though, I did have a feeling it might be bad.
So, I call my mom to come over and watch Ryden.
I am so thankful for her. She flew over, and allowed us to leave Ryden here while we left to go sit at the ER.
After getting 3 staples (Eric said it should have been more), and declining a tetanus shot (why did they even ask- it was a clean wound that I got indoors, no where near dirt, that bled and flushed itself well), we were finally on our way home.
Two and a half hours later, and just a little after midnight. And Eric had not eaten dinner. :(
And the worst part.... I have to get them removed in 7-10 days. This is going to be such a pain if I am just PP from having the baby. There is no way I am taking a newborn in there, it just felt so germy and yuck!
I'll figure something out.
Not to mention, I have to wait two days to wash my hair, and the back is all matted with blood.
Nice, I say.
Only click on me if you want to see the gash- minor gore.
And pic with the 3 staples.
yes, I had Eric takes pics when we were at the ER.
Yesteday, I told the full moon to bring it.
Eric told me to watch what I asked for. heh!!
I am now really ok with waiting for baby, so, something good did come from it.
Oh, man... and now I am looking at the post I wrote right before I started to bathe Ryden, and was talking about how not much was happening. Boy, was I in for a surprise!!
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