As long as I don't go two weeks past my due date, of course.
*crosses fingers*
Monday, I hit the monumental moment called 38 weeks. Baby is term, though still has a little more time to cook. I can't tell you the relief that goes with that. Not that I have had any issues with pre-term labor. Just knowing that you can actually see the finish line is an amazing feeling.
Shockingly, I feel better right now than I did in the beginning of the third tri-mester. Something about my body adjusting to where it's at really helps.
And you know what?
I sleep. Not trying to brag (sorry other mamas, I've been there, too). But to an insanely pregnant woman, silly things like these are a big freakin' deal!
Still got my ankles. Cause you know, with all the blessed things that come with pregnancy... nice, swollen kankles are something that usually accompany late pregnancies.
That's why you should be nice to us, cause things can suck!
As for baby boy... I am starting to get a little freaked out by how ACTIVE he is. Ryden was never this crazy active, nor was he ever this rough.
Not to mention, this late in pregnancy.
I truly see the word 'gentle' being the mantra of my future.
There are times when he is so rough, that I am actually afraid he is going to break my bag of waters.
Being that he is a little brother, I do not think he is going to have any problem holding his own.
I am actually starting to worry about Ryden getting pushed around. haha!!
I think I have some baby estimates........ two of them, in fact.
If I go early, it will be next thursday, and the stats will be.........
date: 2/9/2012
weight: 8lbs. 14 ozs.
length: 22 inches
and if I go late. it will be the wednesday two days after my EDD.......
date: 2/15/2012
weight: 9lbs. 3ozs.
length: 23 inches
I could be completely wrong, but I am feeling like this baby is going to be long. I think that is why he is so rough inside. Maybe he isn't, and he is just rough.
There ya go. Anyone else have any guesses?
And just for fun, here is my 38 week side by side comparison of Ryden and now.... really not much different................ :)
As for Ryden, he is great though a bit trying this past week or two.
He is yelling/whining the word 'NO'
He has been snatchy with everything and definitely not gentle.
He says 'mine' to just about anything that he wants.
Everything is "I do it by myself!"
*emphasis on the exclamation point!!!*
And quite a few other things, but we are dealing.
I don't think it has aything to do with the baby. I just think it is that time of the year where he tests boundaries.
As any strong willed person should.
He hasn't done it in months, thankfully, so, we are just rolling with it.
I find myself becoming a master in outsmarting a two year old.
Some of you wonder... this is something to be mastered?
You bet your butt it is!! And I quite pride myself on my mad skills!!!
My best tactic is learning how to word things. When I want him to do something specific, I say, "do you want mommy to help you do so and so, or you do you want to do it all by yourself?"
Cause I know, without hesitation, he is going to say by himself.
Saying 'no' doesn't even cross his mind at that point.
And mommy wins!!
But for every pain Ryden causes, he still amazes me to no end. This is Ryden at the dentist for the very first time.
And I knew he would probably do well, but he definitely made me extremely proud.
When it comes to going to the doctor and whatnot, he is my child.
I have always been a good patient. Even when I was little.
Plus, I really try to explain everything to him, and prep him days if not weeks ahead of time.
And seriously, the amazing waiting room nearly blew his mind!!!
Not to mention, the TVs on the ceiling (hence headphones). Pure brilliance!
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