You know how you know you are really pregnant and very close to term?
Well, to be exact.... 35 weeks.
The suckiness of being pregnant is > all the joys of pregnancy.
I don't want to seem ungrateful, cause I am beyond thankful for having such a healthy, easy going pregnancy, but c'mon.... can a girl get a break.
I rarely vent or complain about something I asked for (I'm sure Eric is laughing at that statement and would disagree).... but..... I figured I would give it a go and get it all out.
Maybe I will do a Top Ten of 'Woe is Me'........
1) Indigestion or it's even more undesirable brother... heartburn.
2) Having heartburn or indigestion when you haven't even eaten IN HOURS.
really, what's the point of that? Just to remind you that you are so big,
you don't even have to eat to be uncomfortable.
3) Baby kung fu.... and anything from your ribs to your cervix to your bladder is the punching bag.
4) And the peeing........ ALL THE TIME!! How many of you pee 3+ times in the middle of the night?
Or hey, don't forget... what is that tinkle I feel..... yeah, it's that. Fun times, for sure.
Don't even get me started on coughing or sneezing.
5) Sleep? haha... that's funny.
It's like this cruel joke of having weeks to months of wanting nothing but to sleep, yet,
all you do is toss and turn. And then you go and have this precious baby, and sleeping is the easiest thing to do, cause you are so exhausted, yet, you have someone keeping you up all hours of the night.
Awesome..... right?
6) Then you have this fantastic thing called RLS... or restless leg syndrome for those of you who
are so blessed to have never experienced it. The only thing that probably comes close is being a
junkie and having the worst twitches in your legs.
And the coolest part, it almost always happens, in bed, when you are trying to go to sleep.
7) Here's another doozy.........
Everything is a marathon, and you are the most untrained participant. Just walking to the other
room is reason enough to be short of breath. Don't even consider walking "fast".
If talking alone, makes you short of breath, anything physical MUST be a joke.
8) A few more things that shall remain nameless. No things in particular. Just a handful of jewels
that are only privy to those who love you.
9) THE COMMENTS.... seriously, people.... why? What is it about a pregnant woman that
makes people think anything is up for conversation, or worse, outright comments.
I only get one comment now, and it is going to continue for the next month.
Can you guess what it is?
"When are you due?" or better yet, "Any day now?" <---- that one's my absolute favorite.
How about just a good ol'...... "you look great!"
10) Let's see..... which little pearl of preciousness should I finish with....... hmmm.......
How about........... This is only the beginning. You would think after all this hard work,
you would earn a break.
Nope, no break for you. Time to be on it! Full time, for many many more years to come.
Eric still asks, when will Ryden be old enough to just play while he (Eric) naps.
Not yet, babe.
But, in all honestly, I have been very lucky in both of my pregnancies. If these are my complaints, no matter how much they suck to me, I've been very lucky.
I just felt I needed to paint a more well rounded picture. Not that I am sensationalizing the drama of being pregnant, I actually hate that, I just seem so upbeat most of the time, I don't want to downplay some of the parts that really do suck.
And they do... let your lady, friend, sister, stranger on the bus complain if she wants to. That is the least you can do.
They are honest complaints.
And mind you, people, I just chose to end this at 10. It could have continued infinitely.........
Maybe for kicks and giggles, I will do a labor version, too. That's where things get REAL hairy and exciting. :)
So, in short.......
next time you see a real pregnant woman, either keep your lips tight, or remind her how awesome she is.
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