As long as he is already fat and healthy, of course.
I am 34 weeks, and am starting to feel like I am really pregnant.
Shortness of breath within 1 minute of doing anything "physical". And I use that term very loosely.
Beginning of Braxton Hicks when I do anything strenuous.
Getting pretty tired, very quickly.
Rather uncomfortable, no matter if I am sitting, standing, you name it.
Starting to stress about having everything ready.
Nothing fits, but like, 2 things.
However, there are few things that I still pride myself on.
I can still buckle/tie my own shoes.
I can squat and get up all by myself.
I can still hold Ryden (for short periods of time).
2 items of clothing still fit. hah!
I realized last night, that I have to start taking it easier now. After taking down the Christmas tree and making Ryden's dinner and getting him ready for bed, I was pretty tired. By the time Eric got home, I was getting some consistent BHs. And these were ones that were zingers in my cervix. Really felt them. Eric finished dinner for me, and I sat down and had a couple of glasses of water. That was all it took to make everything subside.
I never had them this early with Ryden, so, it is a reminder to take it easy and stay hydrated.
It is now crunch time. All the things I have been putting off until I was closer, I need to start doing now.
I ordered my birth kit last night, and when it arrives, I will start organizing everything.
In the upcoming weeks, I need to start cooking my freezer stash.
I have also decided, after falling deeply in love with it, I am going to make the carrot cake I made for Christmas dinner my labor project.
So, when I start to feel the onset of beginning labor, I will start baking.
I can only imagine how amazing it is going to be after all the hard work of labor.
Oh, so good!!!
I can't wait!!
This past week, we had a nice time visiting relatives. We also had the baby shower, which was SO nice. I think the universe was really generous in allowing a few of us to gather that hadn't seen each other in years.
I took a couple of quick snapshots, but wish I or someone else had taken more.
little man
with Athan and the balloons!!
Lauren and Cash
I think all of us!
and the 6 of us....... :)
And in case you all didn't know, Kristin and I are 1 month apart. She is due mid March. Pretty neat!
For now, that is it!! I have to get ready to go pick Ryden up from school. :)
Happy New Year, everyone and.....
Cheers to 2012!!!!!!
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