I am now less than a month away from my 'estimated' due date. If only by a day... heh.
This is a big fat, cover everything birth prep post, so, if that seems a bit off putting to you, then by all means, move along. :)
Normally, one would be packing an overnight, hospital bag, and calling it a day. Getting the babe's room ready, installing the carseat, and so forth.
Well, in the case of preparing for a homebirth, there is a bit more to do.
Although, knowing me, I had to make the process even more entailed.
First, I made my list. Which was pretty much an outline for where I wanted everything to go.
I showed Eric, and I think it just added to "his list" of overly detailed things Michele does.
Oh well, it soothes my crazy head, and takes the ease off my mind, so, I can sleep at night.
Other than fully preparing the spare room bed, making the freezer food, setting up the co-sleeper, and writing out a list of all our important numbers in case of emergency, I tackled most of my to-do list today. :)
My preparation consists of my midwife's birthing kit and requested essentials, things I've seen other people use for their birth, and even things I wish I had done last time, but didn't think to.
Thankfully, second times to seem to be easier!
This is what I did today........
I know. It looks like a bunch of stuff, in a bunch of different containers. It is..... :)
First, I have two baskets for some of the midwife's stuff. She will also bring a lot of things that I am incapable of supplying.
In the wicker basket to the back right, I have rags, receiving blankets, towels were in the dryer, plastic sheet for the bed, two bowls, 1 gallon baggies and some soft paper towels.
In the green bin, I have tons of chux pads, a pan, bulb syringe, arnica, cord clamp, jelly, olive oil, gloves, thermometer for baby, cord care, and anything else birth related.
The silver tin to the back left, for now, only has a blanket, but after next week, will hold any of the birthing pool supplies I might need.
Next, I have two baskets that are pretty much for me.
In the front tin, I have anything from different tops, socks, underwear, and a rice pack for heating.
In the little flower bag I have hair ties, headbands, chapstick, bendy straws, ibuprofren, lanolin, a thermometer for me, nursing pads and a few other things.
This bag will also go by my nightstand for after the baby. Then I will have those little things on hand when I need them.
In the turquoise bag in the back, I have all my immediate and post partum things. Anything from pads, tucks pads, peri bottle, cold compress pads, stretchy undies, and things of the like.
After baby, this bag will move to my bathroom, so, I have everything within reach in one place.
And lastly, I have two baskets for baby stuff.
In the front basket I have all of my essential baby things. Anything from gowns, socks, hats, gloves, blankets, a few chux pads (to put under a blanket in our bed for baby and me), some diapers, more olive oil, wipes, to more nursing pads.
This basket is also going to go by my bed and the baby's co'sleeper. So, if I need something those first couple of days, or in the middle of the night, I won't have to get up and treck all over the house to find them.
I, also, won't have to wake up Eric in the wee hours of the morning to get those things.
I'm sure that basket will be his favorite. :)
In the basket in the back, I have everything the baby will need immediately following birth. Diapers, receiving blankets, more towels, socks, hats, first outfit, measuring tape, birth certificate, foot print ink, and maybe a few more things.
There is a few other things I have, but they don't need to be put in containers.
By the end of the week, we will be 100% ready!!
I, also, blew up my exercise or 'birthing' ball today.
Did several loads of sheets and towels.
And a few other things that I can't remember.
After doing all this, I know that I can comfortably hibernate for a good couple of days after baby gets here.
Pure babymoon!!! :)
I am at ease with all this done, and look forward to kicking back and
patiently (haha) waiting for baby.
Here we go..............