It's amazing how when a baby learns something, it becomes an obsession, and they don't stop until it is mastered. Well, at least that is how Ryden does things.
For the past month or so he has been letting go of something while standing, but he hadn't thought to take too many steps. Until his birthday- funny enough.
On Wednesday, I think he took one or two steps throughout the day, but that was it. What happened from Thursday through Saturday just amazes me. Luckily, I taped one video each day.
Thurday... look mommy, I can take a couple steps.
Friday... hmmm, maybe I'll try a few more before falling on my behind.
Saturday... and SHA-ZAMM!! I can do this everywhere and a lot!!!!!
so cute!
Even though he is just a wee little man, who still has years to become the person he is going to be, I am just enamored by his persistence. I can so already see his personality developing.
Now, he only crawls to get to something where he can pull himself up. We even saw him whine and slam his toy on the ground because he kept falling. Totally frustrated, but he powered through.
Did I mention that I love him and I think he is just super fantastic? =)
just had to share,
Good stuff. Trying hard and mastering a skill = happiness.