I never thought I would be upset, but as I sit here and type this, tears are welling up in my eyes. I am so happy that my little man is turning one, but knowing he is no longer a little baby is a bit heart breaking.
It is also very emotional when I think about the fact that this time last year, my water was breaking at this very moment. What a truly special night that was. Everything was so unknown and new. I was so in awe of the whole process, and all I wanted to do was just take it all in. Not to mention, all the fantasticness that happened the following day........
one of the happiest moments of my life
With all the gushing aside, my little man is turning one tomorrow. He is really becoming such a big boy and he truly has such a kind heart. He loves animals and he loves kids of all sizes. He is still unsure about most adults, but hey... that is a trait everyone should have.
I read a little while ago that when a baby becomes mobile they naturally become more clingy to their parents. Physiologically and biologically speaking, this is what would have kept them from running off into the woods, unprotected, many years ago. It makes total sense. So, for now, I will be sensitive to his unsureness of others, but always give him the security to explore and investigate further.
Right now, one of his favorite things to do is to shut the bedroom door and then immediately crouch down onto his hands and knees and peak underneath it. When I first looked under the door, form the other side, I never thought I would see him looking back at me. How brilliant is he to know to do that?!?!? I just really love his little mind.
Sunday we had his birthday party. It was really spectacular, even if I did get in a bit over my head. Thanks to Eric, Chava and some really kind friends we got things under way. I think Ryden enjoyed it and he really was in good spirits the whole time. Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated such a monumentous milestone in my sweet little pea's life. I will always remember it. And thanks to Ryan Dearth for taking such nice photos, I can always look back on it.
and if I were to call anyone a BFF, it would be my friend Chava. Amazingly, she was able to come down for the party and a really nice visit. It was so great having her here, and I know we wouldn't have been able to pull the party off without her!!!
If you haven't seen the pics, here is a little slideshow.
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