Monday, August 17, 2009

Wow... one week...

Who would have ever thought I would have only a week left... or at least somewhere around that. I would say that it seems like time went by so fast, but I have been waiting to be this close for a long time. I remember how excited I was when I was down to double digits. Well, they ain't got nothin' on single digits. Now, just as long as the baby gets the memo that it's about time to make it's precious little entrance.

On saturday, we did a lot of walking. Well a lot for someone that is crazy pregnant.
We easily walked over two miles through the course of the day, and the proof is in the pudding.... my pelvis totally hates me now. I swear it feels like it is going to separate into two. It's just busy trying to figure out which side is going to break off first.

Now I know what Pangea felt like.
That's ok, though... it was totally worth it. I am determined to walk this baby out of me.

Believe it or not, I think all the walking really helped or I maybe felt the need to walk because things were slowly progressing. Yesterday evening (sunday), I finally started having some pains down below. Don't know if they were cramps or practice contractions (they were definitely something), and the pressure is really strong. It all feels so nice, even though some of it was hurting a little. Just the fact that something is going on down there is refreshing. In life I tend to be early for things and well prepped, so, things better not change now. That would be just my luck.

It's funny though, it kinda made me panic a little about the real thing coming soon, so, I started vacuuming everything in the bedroom and changing the sheets. I just felt it wasn't clean enough.

Eric came home from the store and I was vacuuming the walls. He was like WTF?
... and I was like, it's not clean enough with the seriousness as all get out. haha...

the look on his face was quite priceless. as was the look on mine, I imagine.
Still had some little pains throughout the night, but nothing to write home about.... just nice to know my body is doing something.

I've never been the best at noticing subtle changes, so it takes a little more obnoxiousness to really get my attention. So, hopefully if I see a baby's head coming out of me, I then will realize that I am in labor.

Today I went to my 39 week appointment, and again my midwife was very thrilled to see that I still have ankles. I never thought that my ankles would really come through for me in life. I guess they deserve quite the thank you.
Maybe I should go by the local trophy store and see if they make a "Best Skinny Ankles 2009" award.
Other than that, not too much happened at the appointment. It was kinda just a marker to let me know that we are that much closer.

My friend Marcella took some more great pictures of us last weekend. I will be sure to post some of them here when we receive them. Some of them really turned out great!! It's amazing what a few months does for a pregnant belly. Good and bad... in this case, good thankfully.

I imagine I will at least get in one or two more post before the baby comes. And then, I think Eric might take over, depending on how long the labor takes, to keep everyone updated from the birth center. Maybe you guys will get a play by play....

anyhoo, let's hope things keep moving forward and not backwards.


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