Monday, August 3, 2009

I am technically term!!!

Today I am 37 weeks... yowsers, I can't believe it. So, as of now the baby is pretty much fully ready for this world... but I wouldn't mind the little one staying in there until closer to 40 weeks, just so the bebe can really finish marinating. I went to one of my weekly prenatal appointments today and everything is wonderful. I found out that I am GBS negative which really makes me happy. It is at least one less thing for me to worry about... now, the baby and I don't have to be given antibiotics and it also puts us on less of a time crunch of getting to the birth center for said antibiotics. If I start labor, I can labor at home for longer without any worries. This makes me very happy.

Today, I washed all of the baby's clothes. I feel it is truly possible that we might have too many onsies. I hear that it is not possible, but we'll see. Now, I am in the process of washing all the diapers, pre-folds, inserts and what-nots. I was going to leave this stuff for the two weeks that I am going to be off, but I couldn't help but start now. We also went shopping over the weekend and got all of our final birth need products. Other than the food and beverages we will be taking to the birth center, we are pretty good. Although, I did realize today that we actually don't have a diaper bag yet. I'm sure I can find a bag around the house to use until I find one I really like.

This week is my last week of work for the rest of the year. Well, at least work outside of the house that is. I really can't fathom this, and it continues to blow my mind. I am almost afraid of some of the tasks that I might find myself taking on over the next two weeks. I can already imagine me convincing myself that the I will need to do something like clean out behind the fridge before the baby comes. Nesting is a crazy thing, and it is funny what you find important to do, clean or organize.

I'm also still not panicking about the upcoming labor. I know I am not in denial about what I am getting myself into. It's just I am so excited to meet this little one that has been in me for the past nine months, that it is overriding any fears of labor. I'm sure the weight of it all will set in once I realize that I have gone into labor. Who knows, maybe I will never loose it... we'll see.

anyhoo, here is a pic from today at 37 weeks. I took it with the laptop, so, it's not that great.

that is all for now and I hope everyone is wonderful!!!!



  1. It is going to go beautifully! You have had such a wonderful attitude and I'm certain that the birth will exceed all of your best expectations. :)

  2. thanks, melissa. hearing all of that means so much right now.
