Today, was Ryden's big day completing his swim class.
He is not a swimmer, but he is much closer to being one, and far more aware of himself in the pool.
Up until now, he has always gone swimming with some type of floating device. Usually, a swim vest.
But no more.
So we only go forward, and never backwards, he is to only go in the pool without any assistance. Except, for floating things in the pool to climb on to.
He was not a huge fan of swim class. But unlike most, it wasn't a fear of water, it's that he doesn't like water on his face. He still isn't a fan, but is much better.
The teachers are serious about teaching swimming. And I'm not one for making my son do things he seems to be a bit afraid of or makes him cry, but this case was different. We have a pool, and he NEEDS to know water safety, in my opinion.
Eric and I weighed all the options, and really thought about what was most important.
Some tears for a few minutes a day for several weeks, or the worst case scenario.... falling in the pool with no clue what to do.
That alone answered our question.
If we didn't have a pool, maybe we would have skipped it.
So, here we are. Going to watch him today was great. He did really good, and is only going to get better.
He starts another session in two weeks. I think that session is really going to turn him into a little fish.
Today, we got to see him jump in the pool, and swim for a couple of seconds under water.
Go under water and retrieve a ring.
And finally, jump in and turn around and go back to the wall. A safety technique to get himself out.
Now, he wasn't perfect, but he's got the bones down.
Other than his little sad face (I think he saved it just for us), he made me so happy!
little fishies
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