Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Big Changes... In Little Time.

Today I went to my first appointment with my midwife minus my belly. It was surreal, though in a refreshing way. It really puts things into perspective. Time flies!!!

Even those last days and weeks of pregnancy, that went by in slow motion, will pass.
Believe it or not.

While my sweet baby is sleeping next to me, I am going to type ultra fast.
And by sweet baby, I mean my little mini-me.
Eric has Ryden, with bits of me, and I have Escher, probably with bits of Eric.

But here is a newborn pic of me... and one of Eschy.....


My little sweetness.

In these 2+ weeks, there have so been so many changes. Most of all, they have affected our little Ryden. He is doing good, considering, but I feel so bad.
I feel so bad for his routine going to poop.
I feel so bad for the parent I have been at times.
I feel so bad that he is sad at times.
.... and the list goes on.

He has cried more, had more breakdowns, tried us more, been yelled at more, taken a "moment" in his room more in these past two weeks than his entire life.
Eric and I even regrouped the other night, to discuss trying a better approach.

You definitely aren't feeling your best when a two and half year old is getting the most of you.
For these reasons, we are remembering to be more gentle with him, more tolerant, more consistent, and most of all... more tuned in.

And we also remind ourselves, this, too, shall pass.
And when it does, hopefully no scars are left behind.

As for everything else, things are coming along.
Eric goes back to work next week (though, not soon enough if you ask him :)  ).
I feel great- feeling human again.
Escher weighed in, today, at 11 lbs. 8 ozs. At just 2 and a half weeks.

Now, we jsut need to take Ilsa on a 10 mile run, and everyone will be happy.

And just in case you didn't see it, I am linking to the most amazing birth slide show that was put together by our photographer. I, honestly, had no idea how many amazing shots she got. And with the music, it still makes me cry almost every time I watch it. And I do watch it once a day. :)

If you are ever in Vero Beach and need a photographer, I highly recommend her.
a. tappen photography


And while I am at it......

If you are in Vero Beach, and need the most fantastic and caring midwife,
please contact Angela Love
I could not have done this without her. ♥

And...... baby is waking, so I'll keep it short.

Love to all,

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