Or maybe even the eyes and mouth of one person pasted on to the face of another.
Looking at them always makes you feel uneasy and something just seems off... quite unsettling.
Well, in the case of Ryden, he is about the most perfect morph of Eric and I that I could have ever imagined. Of course, it's hard to see me in him since he has Eric's amazingly, exaggerated, big, brown eyes. Not to mention, Eric's face shape, cheeks and sweet, little nose.
He does have my philtrum or Cubid's bow (the area between the mouth and nose). I uses to think he had my mouth, but I think Eric might have won that one, too.
But where I really come in is ALL personality. All of his expressions, and especially his over-animation of expression is me.
We finally got his first school pics, and the proof is in the pudding. It's like looking at a little Eric with the personality of me.
I mean, c'mon... could he be ANY happier! He is so happy that he is gripping that bunny like and a madman and has his other hand tightly clinched in a fist. He looks like he is going to explode with excitement.
And you might not be able to, but I can hear him saying 'cheese' in this pic.
(*side note) I am so right about this. Ryden just walked into the room, saw his pic on the screen and said three things. "Superman shirt" "I hold a bunny" and lastly, "CHEESE" haha... I knew it.
I'm sure there will be future photos just as great, but there could never have been a first to top this one!
I'm sure of that.
Have I mentioned Ryden had turned into quite the tiny dancer lately. It took him forever to start, but now that he has, it is SO funny!!
Maybe it's not and it's just cause I'm his mom that I think so.....
Seeing how Ryden has turned out, I can't wait to see how this next little boy shares our genes.
And speaking of the little boy on the way, my sister told me that she is throwing me a little, surprise, get-together with some of my friends when I am in St. Augustine next week.
No fussiness, no presents, just a couple of hours to celebrate this little guy coming into the world.
I'll know more details in a couple of days and I think Cindy is gonna make an event for it on Facebook. I'll pass the word along.
Also, even the little ones are invited. :)
Cheers to Baby Brother!!!!!!
Obviously, not a surprise anymore, my sister told me yesterday. I actually teared up when she told me. Such a nice surprise.
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