I was afraid that he was going to utter several words that I didn't want to hear.
That I should probably try cutting dairy out of my diet and see if that helps.
Even though, I was saddened to hear him say this, I was happy that he acknowledged the cause of Ryden's eczema to be food related. Whether it be a food allergy or intloerance. Most likely an intolerance/sensitivity. Hopfully, by his first birthday, he will outgrow it like most other babies. This is when their gut has matured much more. I don't think people realize how common food intolerances are, how many people and children actually suffer from them and in how many ways it shows it's ugly face. Ryden's eczema was just one of his symptoms. In hindsight, his gas, mild fussiness, sleeping problems and general discomfort was all because of his intolerance or allergy.
Within a week I was already seeing improvement. Over the next two weeks, it almost went away completely.
Unfortunately there were several times where I accidentally slipped up (like when I ate cheese on my taco and totally forgot I wasn't suppose to be eating dairy) or when Eric gave me his coffee (with cream) instead of mine with soy creamer.
However, after about a month, I noticed it was starting to come back. I knew I had not been eating dairy, not even HIDDEN
There was also something else that I been reading quite a bit, and again, I was afraid to acknowledge. Once I had stopped consuming dairy, I had started eating a lot more soy. Not because I love it. In fact, I only found it tolerable- though it did start to get better once I got use to it (probably like switching to diet soda). I was using it as a creamer, as the milk for my lattes, in my butter (fake butter) and so many other places. When we took Ryden to his 6 month well visit, I told the doctor about this. He then said what I thought he was going to say,
You might need to cut out soy, too.
AGHH!!! I knew this and was planning on doing it, but still didn't want to hear it. Since Ryden's eczema only started to come back when I was really loading on the soy, made me realize he just has a mild sensitivity/intolerance to it. Which I also realized I do too, you don't want the detailed symptoms (trust me!). So, now I just stay away from things that are primarily soy or have it listed in their first several ingredients. Other than that, he seems to be fine.
And unless you are looking for it, you have no idea how many things contain SOY and how hard it is to avoid it.
So for now, we have nixed two of the eight top ALLERGENS. Hopefully, that will be the only two.
I also wanted to say, I found a few new things that I would have never have known they were so wonderful.
1. Almond Milk. It is DELICIOUS!!. Try the original. I do feel the need to note that it does contain trace amounts of soy. We seem to be fine with it.
2. Coconut Milk Yogurt. It is delicious and quite decadent.
I felt the need to write this, because I feel this information just isn't out there enough (even from your doctor), and if it helps just one of you or your little one then it's worth it to write.
Here are a few pics I took of Ryden the other day for a diaper photo contest!!!! HE IS SO CUTE!!!

Carry on,
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