Friday, April 3, 2009

big week

This week has really been a lovely week. Earlier in the week, I made up my mind that those little flutters I have been feeling were definitely what I thought they were. Movement and kicks! Last night, I was getting a couple of good ones and Eric tried to see if he could feel them. I didn't think they were strong enough yet, but low and behold... he felt one. Pretty amazing moment! I think it kind of weirded him out a little though... haha.  

Here's looking to next week and being half way through my pregnancy.
My belly has been moving along pretty nicely. It is definitely more of a small baby belly rather than a big food belly now. I love it more and more every day. This week I am 19 weeks and here are a couple of belly photos from this week.

Today we also had our 20 week ultrasound appointment. At this appt. they usually check most of the vital organs and also look at the gender. I think the first thing that came out of my mouth after "hi" was "we don't want to know the sex." Eric, however, thinks he saw a little something even without their assistance. I think that makes it a little more exciting since he isn't trained in reading ultrasounds but feels he saw what he saw. Now it's a real mystery with a little suspense. I made a point not to focus on that area when the tech was around there. I want to leave my mind playing with the idea of either one. The tech and the doctor let us know that everything looks great and the baby looks 'normal' and 'average'. I never thought hearing those two words could sound so refreshing.
Here are just a couple of pics of the baby.

the head.....

the spine....

such a cute little baby!!! 

So, that is probably all the news for now. Doesn't seem like much but is was a pretty big week in my mind. I have been waiting for those kicks and the ultrasound for a little while now. I think over the weekend I will start to put together some registries online (and post them next week) for those of you that are trying to figure out what we need. We really don't need you guys to get us anything , but I know some of you want to. Either way, we are just happy to have everyone to share this with.

Oh yeah, last week I sent in an application to get tickets to The Ellen Show. She is having all first time preggor ladies for her Mother's Day show coming up. A good friend of mine out here also filled one out so that we could go together. I can't even imagine how much fun it would be, but I am trying not to get my hopes up too much cause I bet thousands of people sent in applications. Linda, thanks for sending the link with the info about it, to me, in the first place.

anyhoo, I am off to work shortly. I hope everyone is doing well!!



  1. Awww...Look at your belly bump! It's so cute. I am excited for the two of you!! It's going to drive me insane not knowing what your having. However you can still have a little more fun with it by going to this website:

    Kind of like a bunch of old wise tales that say what your going to have. By the way, you should let me know what it says. LOL.

    I love watching Ellen. Logan likes dancing when she is dancing on the show. I bet that will be very exciting to be able to see her show.

    Well have fun new mommy!! You have a wonderful glow!

    Melissa and Logan

  2. Yay, I'm glad you sent in an app! I'm still crossing my fingers too. I'll see you soon at Nirvana! My friend and I are going to have a girls day. Haircuts, then lunch down the street at Gypsy Den. I'm just waiting for her to get back to me with her work schedule. I should be in next week.

  3. Michelle you look so cute with your little bump! Thanks for putting this blog together, I love being able to peek in on how you are doing. You are half way through! So exciting!


    Lauren & Mike
