... today, I have finally entered the second trimester. For those of you who have already been pregnant know how much of a big deal this is. It's a milestone and I am very happy to have reached it. I can only hope that my symptoms are just as mild this trimester as they were the last. I haven't felt any movement yet, but I think that will start any week or day now. That is something I am really looking forward to.
Here are the most recent pics of my belly. I took them today at exactly 14 weeks. It's not too much bigger, but it is slowly becoming something special.

I just have to say, that I love how I can share everything that is going on with us to all of you guys. I can't even express how special that is to me.
Congrats! I was so relieved when I finally hit the second trimester. Granted...I'm reading this a bit late and you passed that mark about 3 weeks ago. Now blog more :-p Cause I'm adding you to my RSS roll.