Well, since this is my first entry and I am already almost 13 weeks, I am a little behind. I guess I could re-cap on everything so far.
Eric and I first found out that I was pregnant on December 14th early in the morning. I had gotten up to pee at about 4am. Even though it was so early, I still decided to pee on a pregnancy stick, knowing the the first pee of the day was the best. To my surprise, I saw the faintest second pink line. I had already been doing this for the past couple of days, so this was definitely not what I had expected to see. I only expected to see that lonely, little, single pink line. Since it was so early, I tried to go back to sleep, but apparently this wasn't going to happen. I was too excite to sleep. Finally, at about 6am I decided to put on a jacket and slippers and drive to the drug store to get more tests. Since that was my last test and the line was so light, I wanted to take another one. So I did. I have never been happier driving to the store at 6am on a cold morning... haha. When I came home, I repeated the earlier steps. This time the line was a bit darker, so I woke up Eric to make sure that he saw what I saw. He did! Now that I had reassurance I tried to lay down on the couch to sleep until like maybe 8am. Believe it or not, I was able to get a little more sleep. Once it was normal morning time, we both relished in the moment and called our families a little later to let them know the early (but very exciting) news. and this is how it all started. We were also lucky that this all happened on I first real try. Sometimes it scares me with how lucky we have been through all of this already.
Most of my first trimester has breezed by pretty easy. I never got morning sickness (thank God) and most of my symptoms have been pretty bearable. We've had a few little worry moments here and there, but nothing to panic about. One thing that did blow my mind is how ravenous I am all the time. It's almost a constant.
Here are a couple of pics of me over the past few weeks. I have slowly started to show, even though it usually just looks like I ate a big meal........
9 1/2 weeks

almost 11 weeks
12 weeks
Next week is the last week of my first trimester and I am really excited about that. Not that I didn't enjoy the first, but I know that a lot of risks aren't as high once you get through this stage. I also had a 12 week ultrasound, for some testing, done earlier in the week. Once I get those pics scanned I will upload them too. They even recorded the ultrasound but it was recorded on a VHS.... what? We don't even have a working VCR. Well, at least one that doesn't eat tapes. So, once I get it transfered to a DVD I will upload that, too. At least if I can figure it out.
... until the next entry,