I love when the countdown actually becomes an attainable thing.
I am 31 weeks!!
Which means...... I have 2 months, or 9 weeks, or 62 days left. How ever you count, it's freakin' fantastic!!
And I am starting to feel the crunch.
I actually busted out all of Ryden's old baby clothes along with his newborn diapers and washed them. I also washed the new clothes and the new diapers I've gotten.
Like the precious little things they are, I have folded them and lined them up in my closet.
Ever so perfectly. :)
It's always those little things that really makes it all real.
Today, I had a prenatal appointment. Everything is great. Other than the fact that I got a big fat shot in my butt. Apparently, my left cheek is my least favorable, because that is the one I singled out to get stuck.
I hope there are no hard feelings.
Baby is good.
We woke him up listening to his heartbeat with the doppler. I even felt a little bad, because we startled him so much that he actually jumped. Poor guy, maybe a tiny bit funny, though. :)
And Eric got to feel the baby's butt. Angie was palpating the baby's position, and directed Eric how to do the same. I already knew what position he was in.
I am now on the every two week schedule with my appointments. And at 35 weeks, my appointment will be at home.
Pretty great.
That way, we can go over all our bases at home, and Angie will know how to get here.
Did I mention, crunch time!!
Christmas is almost here. And we have Ryden amped!! He knows that Santa will leave presents under the tree (Santa Claus tree as he calls it), and he will get to open them on Christmas morning.
Eric and I did most of his shopping on Saturday. Now, I just have to do a couple of orders online and we will be good.
Like his
cukoo clock .
It says, "cukoo, cukoo, meow!"
He loves it.
Though, it won't be going in his room. I'm not completely insane.
Sunday, we took him to see Santa. All of our prepping and coaching turned out to work. He was actually excited to see him, and was fine with sitting on his lap. Pretty funny, it was the same Santa from last year. Though he didn't know.
I know he told Santa a few things he wanted.
One of them being a candy cane. haha!
Cause right before it was his turn, we saw that Santa was giving the kids candy canes, and Ryden was way stoked about that.
This pic was after several takes of trying to get him to smile WITH his eyes open. :)
Here I am at 31 weeks. The internet tells me that the baby should be weighing in at 3 plus pounds and around 18 inches.
Almost maximum length.
The rest of the weeks are pretty much for filling out. I think the baby is estimated to gain half a pound a week from here on out.
Baby is definitely up to weight. :)
Anyhoo, I think that is everything. Baby is great. I am great. Ryden is great, though, he did just get over a cold. He got to spend 4 nights in our bed. I know that made him happy.
And as long as Eric doesn't end up coming down with Ryden's cold, he is great, too.
Not sure how I dodged this cold, but I'll count my blessings.