Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Road Trip and Stomach Bugs......

As I write, I am ever so lucky to have a sleeping little boy next to me. Nothing is as precious as such, and it is also something I don't get to experience as much with a toddler as I did with a baby.

Not only is it a nap, but we also had little monkey in bed with us last night.

But one exception, sadly, makes this possible. Ryden has his first stomach flu.

This is a first for us. He has never even thrown up, so, it's all new.
It started this weekend, at my sister's house. But never got into full swing until last night. After dinner, which only consisted of grapes, Ryden got pretty upset when I asked him if he was sick. He started crying, and made his way over to the gate that leads to the garage door where the car is. He was hysterically crying, and saying, "I sick, I go." I had a hard time understanding him, so, I was asking him where, and he said, "I go to doc"... which completely broke my heart. I had to pick him up and hold him until he calmed down. He was sick throughout the night if he had anything more than just a sip of water.

After he woke up this morning and got sick once, that has been the last time. He seems to be doing good now, having kept down two ginger snaps, half a piece of toast, some apple sauce and water.

We might be on the road to recovery, I hope. And so cute in his little pj's. Even sick, he still demanded some shoes.

The funniest thing, this morning, was watching him grab his bowl, and say, "I burp" and gag into the bowl. I love that he is getting the concept, but don't like him trying so hard.

Our weekend was really great. Even with Ryden's stomach bug creeping up on him at times. Not sure how he fought it off for several days. 
Ryden and I went on a road trip to St. Augustine. We went to attend a friend's one year old's birthday party and stay at my sister's house. And Matt came down and stayed with Eric.

If it was up to Ryden, I think he would spend every weekend at Aunt Cin's or Allen's house as he likes to say. He loves them SO MUCH, especially Allen. And oh, poor Allen. If he only felt the same way... haha!!

I really think the only reason he didn't get fully sick there is because he was fighting it with every bone in his body. He did not want to ruin a good time. I am thankful that he saved it for home.

And might I add, that traveling pregnant, and alone with a toddler isn't always the easiest thing. I always bring Ryden's little, portable frog potty on road trips, just incase. Well, good thing, it came in handy more than once.
Can I just say, that only the universe would align things just so that I would have to pee not long after Ryden fell asleep.  All I can say is thank goodness for that potty and having an SUV. Anything is possible when you are desperate. :)

As for me, I am loving all the kicks I am feeling now. One of the best parts of pregnancy. :)
I also loved seeing my friends and lots of babies and kids this weekend.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Seconds aren't all the same.....

I am 19 weeks, this week. It's funny how when I was pregnant for the first time, every time I took a pic of myself, I always picked the one where my belly looked the biggest.

Now, that I am pregnant for the second time, I can honestly say that I do not share the same sentiment.

No matter how many photos I take, I just feel huge in every one of them. I have even gone as far as to compare a pic of me at however many weeks this pregnancy to one of me, from my first pregnancy, at the same amount of weeks.

And NO, they did not equal the same.

For the most part I am fine with it, but on the extra bloated days, I might have a minor pity party for myself. Even if only for a brief moment.

Here I am at 19ish weeks in all my glory.

and this one is my favorite, but I look huge!!! I know it is how I am standing with my fantastic posture and all................

 I have my 20 week appointment next week. I am excited about that. I cannot believe I am already half way there. It's always so hard to mourn the passing when you are so excited for the finish line. Yet, my heart does break knowing that so much of this has already passed. Last pregnancy, last labor, last baby. Even with all the smiles and happiness, there is still such a raw ache when I think about that.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Holy Catch-up!!

I guess I have been MIA for a while. I'm not completely without excuse, but we have been quite busy around here.

Summer is about over and fall is just around the corner. Ryden started pre-school, part-time, two weeks ago. And he absolutely loves it. Never a tear, and I hardly get a kiss and a good-bye when I drop him off. Thankfully, he does oblige me after several failed attempts. Other than the fact of not being embarrassed of me *his mom*, you would think I was dropping off a teenager.   wah!

One of my new favorites is he is starting to say how he feels. When a tv show ends, he will say, "I feel sad." It is so cute. Or if he gets frustrated he will start to get upset, and say, "I sad... I cry." (Even though he is not even crying, I guess he just wants to.)
But the best is.... in the past couple of days, he is now saying, "I feel happy!" I love it. And he says it at completely appropriate times. It is just too much.

Ryden is also nursing a case of strep throat. This is his second time getting it in just 3 months. I miss when we was a little nursling that never got sick. I guess those days are gone, too.
Thankfully, he loves taking his medicine, and never got a fever this time. He did however have to miss two days of school this week. He even missed the day that they made play dough in the kitchen. And I had already told him all about it, so, I felt pretty bad for him.
Tomorrow, when his cousins get here, I am going to let him get in the pool for the first time in over a week. Poor guy.

I am learning that my true test of patience as an adult and parent is not letting a two year old get the best of me. Normally, no problem. But when we are both feeling lousy is when he decides it would be the best time to test mommy's boundaries. Man, they are born opportunist! The other day he actually giggled at me when I was telling him why he couldn't do something. Then he proceeded to do said 'no-no'. I think I was in utter shock for a minute, and actually had to take a moment to cool off.

Oh, the betrayal!!!!

So, in one of my most mature moments ever, I showed him by putting him to bed without telling him goodnight and that I love him. I can sit here and shake my head at how dumb I was then, but at the time, oh- I meant it! I figured that I had shown him for not listening to mommy.
Thank God the stupid wore off about 5 minutes later when I promptly went to his room to tell him how much mommy loved him and that I was sorry for getting mad.

He then began to say, "I kick a screen!" which was what the whole incident was about in the first place. He actually knew why I shunned him.

Like I said, this patience thing, I'm still learning. And to not let a two year old get the best of me.... again, still learning.
In all of this learning, there are a few moments that I am proud of.
There was a phase a couple of months ago where he started to whine about stuff. This was new to me because he had never really whined before. And, oh man, did I hate it. Something about a kid whining that is like nails on a chalkboard.
My first reaction was to tell him not to whine, but after saying it a couple of times, I realized how useless those words were.
That is when I figured out to tell him, "I understand you are upset, but use your words." After a couple of days, we were as good as new.  Every once in a while, he might start it again, but it only lasts for several instances and then he stops.
It does make me happy to know I do a have moment of brilliance here and there to make up for my moments of pure stupidity! hah!

But my absolute favorite is something that my mom just taught Ryden today. It's hearing him say, "baby brother". Yep, that's right. Ryden is going to be a proud big brother to a sweet little baby boy come this February.

We just had our 20 week ultrasound today (I am actually 18 and a half weeks) and opted to find out the sex. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know, but Eric did, and so, I caved.
And I'm really glad we did.

I already feel like I am in over my head thinking about raising two little boys. Oh man, that patience thing that I mentioned earlier, I imagine I better get it down now!!

Pregnancy has been good to me again like last time. And it's such a smoother sail having done it before. I feel so much more of a calmness not worrying about what is to come. Really quite peaceful and lovely.

We have no idea what we are going to name this little guy. But I think we have decided that whatever name or names we come up with, we are going to keep to ourselves until this little one makes his way to the outside. After finding out the sex, I just feel that there is something that we have to keep for just us. :)

And might I add, that he had the most beautiful profile during the ultrasound. The lady kept going on about him, and Eric said you should see our other son, and proceeded to show her a pic. Love him for that.
And when the tech decided to snap the shot of what sex the baby was, she paused the screen like they do when they are getting sizes, and Eric asked her if she was measuring it.... haha. Love him for that, too.
Here are couple of the scans. :)
sweet baby boy profile
sucking his thumb

he's all boy

And I do realize I am probably going to have to do something with the name of the blog.
until then,

the four of us :)