It's been a while since I last updated, so, let me think of what's new in the world of Ryden.
... first off, much to his delight, Seven the kitty has decided to love him every now and then.
hmmm, what else...
At least 20 times a day we hear the words: a pole, a boat, a dock, a reel, 'shimp', a hook......
And I don't mean twenty all together, I mean each word- 20 times. Sounds cute, but I now find it quite maddening.
And I have also kicked myself, many a times, for ever thinking it was a good idea to buy him his own fishing pole. They are not house friendly, car friendly, swing friendly or anywhere else he decides to carry it. All THE TIME.
His other favorite right now, is Spiderman.
Well, actually, 'a man' (how he says Spiderman)
He and Eric laid on the couch the other week and watched some of Spiderman 2. We then let him watch the DVD a few times. Although, after I watched a few portions of it, I have now put the parental block on it. A bit too much violence for the comprehension of a 21 month old.
Needless to say, he hasn't been very happy with this. I'm thinking a couple more weeks, and he will maybe forget?
and did I mention, he is WAY too cool for school?
As of right now, it has been about 3 months since the beginning of our potty learning adventure. Ryden is still an underwear boy, except for over-night. Not sure how to kick the diaper there. Sometimes he wakes up dry, and sometimes he doesn't. He has also stopped saying pee pee right when he wakes up and proceeds to hang out in his bed for a little while playing with his toys. I'm sure this is when he probably pees. Every once in a while I remind him to tell us when he wakes up in the morning, but.... nada.
I'm hoping that this one will just come, eventually, with time. I don't really want to wake him up, before I go to bed, and take him to pee. I feel like that will just disturb his sleep. I dunno.
If anyone has some advice for me, let me know. :)
Other than that, I think he has had about a handful of accidents in the past 3 months, and that is it. One of them was my fault, for not taking him to the potty, after a big play at the park, and then putting him in his carseat. He was super full from drinking so much water.
And a reminder for any of you that have a youngster newly in undies, buy one of those puddle pads for your carseat. Even though my carseat needed a cleaning, it was a pain in the butt to do. Wish the one I have, had been in his seat and not the closet. Ughh!!
Sometimes when I am sitting back and reflecting on how gracious life has been to us, I can never seem to truly put into words how grateful I am. As wonderful as life has been these past years, it is only getting better.
We are back with family, Ryden is doing fantastic, Eric is loving his job and finally feels as though he is being utilized for his talents, we are renting a really lovely home, I get to see porpoises swimming in my back, back yard almost daily and my animals are all relatively healthy.
I'm a little bored but am working on that and the list goes on......
Not to mention, we are getting our boat next weekend, and are beyond excited. I think we will be watching the fireworks on the fourth from our boat in the river.
Life is truly good, and I will always be thankful!!!!!!
The Foridians- us