Monday, July 12, 2010

Dare I Say It... BREASTFEEDING!!!!

OK... this has come up a lot recently for some reason. Sadly, I wish it were more of the norm and there was more information out there, so, people like myself didn't have to defend doing something that is completely natural and the best choice for her child. I am a modest nurser. I have never been out-there about it, especially in public. I've noticed that most people are pretty supportive about it, but when I read comments on the internet (where people can be anonymous) I notice a completely different tone. This makes me want to address the situation... now wondering how people REALLY feel! A friend of mine (thanks Kristin) posted a link on facebook about a nurse-in at a park in Orlando where some breastfeeding moms were told to leave. Reading the internet comments on that article, blew my mind. Especially, the comments from other WOMEN!

Breastfeeding is LEGAL and even exposing yourself is legal in most states. It is not indecent exposure like some would think. Also, some states find it ILLEGAL to ask a woman to cover herself.

When in doubt, check your state laws and educate those around you-

Breastfeeding State Laws

Babies nurse often. People, especially older women, tend to think a baby should only eat every 4 hours or something insane like that. You know, to avoid snacking or making a spoiled baby. That is complete BS and sadly, very harmful information to be given to new moms. The relationship between baby and mama's milk is very delicate. It is the law of supply and demand and if a baby isn't nursing often enough, then the milk stops getting made. Therefore a baby should always be fed on-demand when they are newborns. As they get older, when an even milk supply is established, you can start spacing out the timing in between.
Also, during the summer and other hot months, babies should nurse quite often so that they stay hydrated. Mothers also need to remember to stay hydrated.

And don't forget that nursing is a source of comfort for children. I nurse Ryden immediately after all of his shots or any other times he has been hurt. It is the best boo boo fix out there.
Also, since we never used a pacifier, I am often the pacifier.

Breast is Best. I am sorry for those of you that got poor information from your health care provider that made it complicated for you to establish a wonderful breastfeeding relationship. I say that because there is a very SMALL population that can actually not breastfeed- it is usually just mal info that keeps a mama from having success. There are a lot of problems that can also happen, but with persistence you can get through them.
Luckily, Ryden never had latch problems, but he does have food allergies/intolerances. Therefore I have been dairy-free for almost 6 months, soy-free for almost 5 months and partially corn-free for a little over month. So, don't tell me it was too hard and you had to stop. I know HARD, but I feel it is worth it. I would much prefer a woman to say it just wasn't for them, and carry on with life. I have nothing against someone making an educated decision not to. We all have a choice. With that being said, EVERYONE agrees that nothing matches breast milk. NOTHING!

This truly says it all. If you have any doubts after reading this, then I don't know what to say........
101 REasons to BREASTFEED

Endless benefits for both baby and mom

Full abstract by the AAP

From the comments I read on that article about the nurse-in, I have started to notice that some people think that moms that nurse their children beyond newborns into infants and toddlerhood are only doing it for selfish reasons. Breastfeeding is very bonding in the beginning, but at this point, it is just a job like everything else. I do it because I should... that's it. I even read where someone wrote that there is no nutritional benefit for a toddler to still nurse. I have to clarify and educate any of you that feel that way. Milk changes as a baby gets older and is always suited for them. They continue to benefit from breast milk no matter what the age. Again, since I am a person of FACTS and not misguided information, I will do the research, so that you can educate yourself!!!!

Information about nursing past a year-
Please Read!

and quotes form the AAP and WHO-

It is recommended that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired.
from the mouth of the American Academy of Pediatircs, themselves....
read it yourself

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.
from the World Health Organization
check your facts.

And for any of you that might be wondering why I seem so defensive about this, it is because I am. A lot of moms do not nurse because they do not have the right information, or they stop too soon because they feel like they are being judged by people around them.

and as my wonderful pediatrician put it.... In the late 1800's women were told to exclusively breastfeed until the age of 2 and those were the boys that went on to win the war!
haha... and yes, he really did say that. Anecdotal I know, but I still like it. =)


Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Fireworks of the 4th!!

On Monday before the weekend of the fourth, I booked us a trip to Florida.

Out of nowhere- you bet!
Completely unexpected- absolutely
A bit terrifying- um, yeah
Incredibly short- unhuh
Totally worth it- without a doubt!!

Honestly, I think all this time I had been fearing flying with a baby. I think that has kept me from making any plans for going home to visit family. Also, with all the things going on around here, I had no idea where I would ever find the time. So, without any time to fear my decision, I got tickets once Eric gave me the go.
We flew out on a red-eye thursday night and flew back tuesday afternoon. As Roger (Eric's dad) put it, it was a "fast and furious" trip. That is definitely an understatement.

On our connector flight from Atlanta to Orlando, we were able to upgrade to first class. This is how a baby flies with style.

First class definitely suits him. I tried not to sleep with my mouth open up there. With the hopes of being invited back a second time, of course.

I have to say, Ryden handled it all in stride. The red-eye I figured would go well, but he really surprised me with the flight back. He was awake for over half of it, and never once lost it. He never cried or screamed and was actually very giggly. Even though he did so well, I really don't know how we would have made it through had I not been nursing him. It was truly my secret weapon and was almost an activity all in itself.
The sweetest was watching him look out the window as the plane landed. It really captivated his attention and he watched for about 5-10 minutes, right up until the plane touched down.

This is how precious he looked after we got off most of the flights. This one was when we touched down in Orlando from our red-eye.

Unfortunately, mommy and daddy didn't sleep as well on the red-eye.

The whirlwind trip was over before it started, but was really great. We got to see most all of our family and a lot of friends.
Even though it went so well, I am not looking forward to flying again anytime soon.