If someone would have told me that 9 months would be this fantastic, I don't think I would have believed them. Don't get me wrong, the other 8 were great, in their own right, but in the last several weeks to a month, something has just clicked. You spend so many days interacting with your little baby with only getting minimal pieces of reciprocation. Then one day you realize that your baby is understanding so much of what you are saying and actively responding back to you.
Here are a some of the new tricks my little genius has been doing lately......

2) he shares ALL of his toys with us and the animals... haha (it's so cute watching him give one of his toys to the cats)
3) if you tell him to give the ball to Ilsa, he will
4) he has gone from dadadaaa to dada- yet, not sure if he knows what that means yet
5) just today, he was laughing in his car-seat to see my reaction and try to get me to turn around
6) he knows what several signs mean (though he hasn't signed anything yet- except trying to wave a couple of times)
7) not so brainy, but he has been on the move for a little while now. Full on army crawling all over the room
8) he is now infatuated with other kids
9) and I think he is starting to kick some of his stranger shyness- he let TWO people hold him this weekend!!!!
I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.
It has been so much fun watching him figure everything out and having him become a participant in everyday life. Now, I have to remind myself to tell him everything that I am doing, since I know he understands it. We still have our woes whether it be sleeping, allergies or frustration from not being able to be as capable as he would like to be, but it is ALL worth it. =)
Here he is taking his first little dip in the pool over Memorial Day weekend. He really enjoyed it. There was a lot of happy, over-stimming, baby stiffness going on!!!
Just a quicky little update from The Sanfords