Eric and I have made it definite that we do not want to find out the sex. Neither one of us is really aiming for one sex versus the other, so it is all a win-win in the end. I know some of you might find this decision odd considering things seem easier when you know what sex to expect. I feel the anticipation and the excitement of waiting outweighs any minor conveniences of knowing. Plus we don't plan on painting the baby's room any gender specific color, and I think it will be nice to have a closet that isn't stocked with either pink or baby blue onsies only. Cause for the first month or so that is pretty much all they wear. I am also really looking forward to hearing "It's a boy" or "It's a girl" right after our little precious one enters this world. It doesn't seem like things can get much sweeter that that!
About two weeks ago I started researching a lot of the baby items we will have to get. Things like bottles, car seats, cribs, and so on. I think we have decided to go with an infant car seat, and not because they are more convenient. Mainly because I don't want to risk having a smaller newborn that does not fit into a convertible seat properly. I think I have made up my mind on which seat exactly and I feel comfortable with it.
I am still up in the air about bottles. I do know that I am looking specifically at ones that are geared towards breast milk and breast milk storage. Still not sure about plastic or glass. I think the only way I will go with glass is if I can definitely find ones that are pretty shatter proof. Also for plastic, I am only looking at BPA- Free and Phthalate-Free.
Yesterday we went to Border's and I finally bought some pregnancy books. I got Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way (recommended by Elizabeth), Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, and the obligatory What to Expect When You are Expecting. I have already started reading all of them. Eric also noticed that all the DVD's (well, not the new ones much to his dismay) were 50% off. So he got about 15 animated movies, for the baby, that he didn't already own.
I also bought this sling the other day.
I was tempted to try out one of the kitties in it, but knew that wasn't a good decision. I can't wait to try it out for real in a little over 5 months.
Well, I guess that is everything for now. I have to get ready to leave in a few minutes for one of my pre-natal appointments. I love going to them. I get to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler each time.
So, here is a pic of me last week at 16 weeks....
and here are a couple of pics of me today at 17 weeks.
I can't believe I actually have a little belly now. I absolutely love it each day more and more. Well, off to my appointment. Hope everyone is doing well!
until next time,